On Tuesday the year 6 choir members went to sing carols to members of a CamSight support group, for their Christmas lunch. At around 1:40pm we left the school and began our walk to the Chalklands community centre. Before we arrived we put on the highly anticipated Santa hats and once inside we were greeted by one of the organisers, Jean. We sang 7 carols in total and had a break in the middle where we listened to four songs, two played by Iris on the violin and two by Ava on the flute.  After we had finished the event, we took a photo with our Santa hats and gave each member a homemade Christmas card. We all very much enjoyed the time there and hope to get more chances like this in the school year. Thank you to Mrs Mason, Mrs Wolmark and Mrs Roberts, as well as all the people at CamSight. Merry Christmas!

Iris and Isla R in class 8



01223 892210


Linton Heights Junior School, Wheatsheaf Way, Linton, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB21 4XB

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