
At Linton Heights, we value and show commitment to our pupil’s emotional well-being through: promoting a growth mindset, mindfulness, bespoke wellbeing support and the PSHE curriculum.

We also mark significant national mental health awareness campaigns.

Well Being Sessions at Linton Heights

Guide to Anxiety


At LHJS, we understand that mindfulness is the act of being present: of noticing the details of our surroundings, of being aware of and accepting our feelings, sensations and thoughts in the present moment; of being a non-judgemental but interested observer.

Throughout the school day, children are given opportunities to reflect on their feelings and thoughts – both within the classroom and out at break times. Together, we are creating an environment, where we value the world around us and the people in it; we believe this is a life skill that holds countless benefits.

Mindfulness at Linton Heights

Growth Mindset

At Linton Heights Junior School, our pupils have a positive attitude towards their learning and as a result make good progress, are happy and successful.

Instilling all our pupils with ‘growth mindsets’ has become a key priority for LHJS. We have introduced the theories of Dr Carol Dweck to staff, pupils and parents and are determined to ensure that its ideas remain embedded within our school ethos.

Fostering a growth mindset, across all areas of the curriculum, allows our pupils to relish challenges, embrace their mistakes as part of the learning process, value the importance of effort, respond carefully to feedback and take inspiration from others. This helps them to achieve, not only with us, but also in their future lives as adults.

Growth Mindset at Linton Heights

Useful Books for Children

What to do when you worry too much – Kids guide to overcoming anxiety by Dawn Huebner and Bonnie Matthews.

The Huge bag of worries by Virginia Ironside

No Worries! An Activity book for young people who sometimes feel anxious or stressed.by Katie Abey

Hello Happy! Mindful Kids – an activity book for young people who sometimes feel sad or angry by Katie Abey

How are you feeling today? By Molly Potter

Have you filled a bucket today? A guide to daily happiness for kids by Carol McCloud

Starving the Anxiety Gremlin for children aged 5-9 by Kate Collins- Donnelly.

Other Titles include – Starving the Anger Gremlin, Starving the Stress Gremlin.

On Line Support in Cambridgeshire

Parent Support Line 

This is a useful resource to direct families and schools to the support that is available in Cambridgeshire.   It also has an extensive Services and Support Directory. Click Here

Resources to support parents talking to children about Well-being


This is a website run by Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Children and Young People Mental Health team, for young people, parents/carers, teachers and professionals. It contains information on keeping well, self-help and local support services.


A website aimed at parents with advice and videos on a range of topics. It has clear links to other organisations and support. It also offers on line parenting courses as well as a confidential helpline.


This covers a range of topics such as anger, bereavement, and sleep problems with shared experiences for children and young people to relate to. It also has advice for parents and a helpline.

You’re Never too Young to talk about Mental Health

Talking to my Child



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