Our House Point system is built upon healthy competition in which everyone can contribute. This can include academic efforts, sport, music, and general attitude and behaviour in school. Every time a child is awarded a house point a coloured counter is placed into the House Point cylinders in the hall. At the end of the week the Year 6 monitors count the counters and the winning house is announced in our Friday Ceilidh.
Our Houses are Chilford (red), Simmons (yellow), Rivey (green) and Granta (blue).
Children are put into a house when they join in Year 3 and remain in that house for their time at Linton Heights. Siblings are always put in the same houses.
The Houses are encouraged to be competitive and to strive to do their best individually for the sake and benefit of the whole of their House. At the same time the children must appreciate the efforts and victories of others, remembering that as long as they have done their best nothing more can ever be asked. The House system has the added benefit of bringing all ages of the school community together and it enhances the bond and the responsibility of the older pupils to be role models and to care for the younger children in our community.