Year 5
Welcome to the Year 5 page
Class 5 is taught by Mr Harris and Class 6 by Mrs Sanham on Mondays and Tuesdays and Mrs Ball Wednesday-Friday. Both classes are supported by Miss Coleman, Mrs Harrison, Miss Rootes and Mrs Kerr.
Our topics for the year are:
Autumn 1: What was life like in Tudor England?
Autumn 2: Why does population change?
Spring 1: What did the Greeks ever do for us?
Spring 2: Where does our energy come from?
Summer 1: Why do oceans matter?
Summer 2: Were the Vikings raiders, traders or settlers?
Home Learning
Each week, we ask that the children read to an adult 3 times for the duration of 20 minutes. This read should then be logged in their reading diary which is checked by an adult in the Year 5 team.
Maths home learning is set through the Mathletics website and your child’s log in details can be found in the back of their reading diary. Tasks are set weekly for the children to complete and these are linked to what they have been learning in class.
Extended opportunities for learning are given and these can be found from the menus below. Each extended opportunity menu is linked to the following terms learning so that the children have an opportunity to research and find out information before they are taught it in the classroom.
Our current timetable can be found below
Year 5 Meet the Teacher Slides 2024-2025
Year 5 Curriculum Overview 2024-2025
Year 5 Statutory Spelling List
Autumn 1 Year 5 Curriculum Newsletter
Autumn 1 Year 5 Timetable 2024-2025
Autumn 1 Year 5 Extended Learning Menu
Autumn 2 Year 5 Curriculum Newsletter
Autumn 2 Year 5 Timetable 2024-2025
Autumn 2 Year 5 Extended Learning Menu
Spring 1 Year 5 Curriculum Newsletter
Spring 1 Year 5 Timetable 2024-2025
Spring 1 Year 5 Extended Learning Menu
Spring 2 Year 5 Curriculum Newsletter
Spring 2 Year 5 Timetable 2024-2025
Spring 2 Year 5 Extended Learning Menu