Mathematics Curriculum Statement


The intent of our mathematics curriculum is to design a curriculum, which is accessible to all and will maximise the development of every child’s ability and academic achievement. We want children to make rich connections across mathematical ideas to develop fluency, mathematical reasoning and competence in solving increasingly sophisticated problems. Children demonstrate mastery when they can represent concepts or skills in multiple ways, use the correct mathematical language and can independently apply the concept to new problems in unfamiliar situations.

We intend for our pupils to be able to apply their mathematical knowledge across the curriculum and beyond the classroom.  We want them to know that is essential to everyday life, critical to science, technology, engineering, and necessary for economic wellbeing and most forms of employment.

At Linton Heights, we strive to equip all pupils with the skills and confidence to solve a range of problems through fluency with numbers and mathematical reasoning. As our pupils progress, we want them to have a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject. Children are encouraged to see the mathematics that surrounds them every day and enjoy developing vital life skills in this subject.


Mathematics is taught most days for an hour, normally in the morning following a mastery approach. Maths No Problem, a DfE approved resource for maths mastery, is consistently used to teach maths. This scheme has been developed by top authors and advisers in the field and backed by research. It includes daily real world contexts, variable representations e.g. bar model, part-part-whole and a small stepped approach to the maths curriculum. The use of a structured, spiral scheme, reduces teacher workload allowing them to use maths planning time to focus on deepening understanding tasks – DUTs (which are set to develop children’s reasoning skills), starters (which are used to revisit prior learning or elements that are not yet embedded), early morning fluency activities and maths interventions such as pre-teaching. Working walls are used to support learning particularly the teaching of technical vocabulary.

Maths No Problem has a CPA (concrete – pictorial – abstract) approach to maths teaching. Pupils learn new concepts initially using concrete items such as counters, then progress to pictorial representations before finally using abstract symbols. Children are encouraged to ‘build it, draw it, say it, write it’ which helps secure their understanding of concepts.

The structure of a Maths No Problem lesson includes guided practice. This allows focused teaching to take place to those who are finding the concept tricky. This includes SEND children. In some classes, where SEND children are working well below the level of the year group, a curriculum is designed to meet their individual needs.

We also ensure that maths is taught across the curriculum for example with data handling in science and financial wellbeing in PSHE. Children are exposed to a diverse range of mathematicians through assemblies and other curriculum studies such as Alan Turing in Y6 history including a trip to Bletchley Park. 

We provide opportunities for our children to take part in inter school competitions such as the Cambridgeshire Maths Challenge. In 2023, we qualified for the finals.

We also celebrate maths with an annual maths day. In 2024 the focus was money. Year 5 and 6 children took part in a Fraud Investigation workshop with volunteers from NatWest. 

Every child also has access to a TTRockstars and/or a Mathletics account. This allows them to practice at home in fun and interactive ways. Times tables knowledge is celebrated through a certificate system to motivate children and acknowledge their hard work.

Children are normally taught in their mixed ability classes. In Year 6, we find it beneficial to arrange children according to their ability, however, this arrangement is fluid and children’s placements are regularly reviewed.



Children’s understanding of concepts is assessed throughout the lesson using a range of formative assessment techniques and through marking of books. Children who have not fully grasped the topic are identified and further support is given to them. Formal assessment happens termly, or slightly more often in Year 6, through the use of published, standardised tests. Results are then scrutinised by class teachers and senior leaders to identify where further support is needed.

Regular monitoring of lessons, books and data ensures a consistent approach is maintained, standards are high and patterns of underperformance identified and actioned.

Pupil voice shows that, in general, children enjoy maths lessons. They find them challenging but achievable and know where to find help if they need it.

Useful Maths  Websites

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